In Force Technology becomes a School Solutions Partner with AASA, the School Superintendents Association
A rapid notification and two-way communication platform used between a school under threat with first responders.

In Force Technology, LLC has become a part of the AASA to help educational facilities across the United States increase communications and further protect their students and staff by reducing the response time of law enforcement to an active threat. The IN FORCE911 software application enables school faculty, staff and administrators to launch an alert from any device (computer or mobile phone) in seconds. The alert is sent directly to fellow staff members, the dispatch consoles, in-vehicle terminals, and mobile devices of police officers in the field-simultaneously and regardless of duty status, avoiding the delays associated with the traditional 9-1-1 call routing process. Once the alert is received by officers, a two-way communication window is provided for mission critical details and real time intelligence to be shared. First responders also have immediate access to the digital building schematics, aerial photos and emergency operational plans and internet protocol (IP) based camera feeds from the school integrated through the IN FORCE911 application to plan the best approach for ending the threat and deescalating the crisis.
School safety has always been the mission of In Force Technology, and with our leading-edge application, IN FORCE911. As a result of rapid notification and two-way communication with first responders, school staff are prompted to take actions in coordination with pre-existing training, protocols, and procedures in the interest of best protecting themselves and those nearby for survivability. When seconds matter most, reducing response time and increasing communication are the goals set forth for IN FORCE911.
GETTING STARTED is a great place to request a 20-minute demonstration of the IN FORCE911 software, or reach out to or at (978) 624-7624 and our team will provide a free consultation and identify how we can help strengthen your school safety plan before students and staff return to their classrooms full time. Please mention your AASA membership and we will waive the implementation fee to set up your entire district!
“The safety of our students is always our top priority. When looking at ways to improve communications with our staff during a critical incident response, IN FORCE911 was the clear choice for our schools. We are so excited to deploy IN FORCE911 to help make our schools as safe as they can be.”
-Superintendent Dr. Dale Ellis, Montgomery, NC County Schools
“The alert goes to all the adults in the school so that there’s really clear and transparent communication about an emergency situation that’s going on. In addition, it goes out to dispatch and all the patrol cars in the area.”
-Superintendent Armand Pires, Medway, MA Public Schools
“We are so excited to have found a technology and partnership like this. This partnership puts the safety and security of our students, staff and visitors in our buildings at the forefront, even during the pressing issue of COVID. Although COVID has become a priority across the district, it’s an enemy we cannot see, an intruder is one that we can, and we have to be prepared. There is an ability for a teacher to send an alert to the Sheriff’s office on a computer or cell phone who can then immediately respond, heaven forbid we have the need for it.”
-Superintendent Oliver Holley, Tyrrell County Public Schools, NC